[HOAX] - Life is a HOAX. Never underestimate the power of Siemka.

О клане

You! Yes you! Have you ever wondered what it's like to try living in a clan? ____________________________________________________________________________

Have you BAD stats? Are you loosing all the battles? Join us! The HOAX clan is looking for new players. Conditions: 1 battle, LESS THEN 300 efficiency, illogical camp play, zero strategic sense, and feel to be a REAL SIEMKA.

►►► How to join? ◄◄◄ Log in, and accept the invitation in your message box.

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
52.01% 1223 1552 1134 3891 322 657(51.72%) 97 798(50.26%)