О клане

We are a relaxed, English-speaking community that are some veteran World Of Tanks and clan wars players. We welcome players who are willing to play: Platoons, Strongholds, Clan Wars, Tournaments and much more. Incredibly relaxed clan with low playing requirements, however is appreciated! Run boosters every night!

Clan wars achievements: War gods [Wint. 2023]: 17 tanks & Top 10% clans

Requirements: - at least 3 meta tier 10 tanks. (chief, 279, 907, 277, cs, ebr, 140) - at least 2k recent dpg in tech tree tier 10 tanks, and 2.4k recent dpg in reward tier 10 tanks - active at least 3 nights a week during advance times (with working microphone) - recent wn8 of at least 1800 (past 1000 games) Discord, https://discord.gg/UhkpQK4

For any enquiries contact: msimpson54/flipse11_1/Air_Marshall_405

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
51.06% 1109 1391 1018 3504 253 907(51.37%) 91 950(50.93%)