О клане

Odem Mortis is the English speaking part of Odem Mortis Community

If you wish to join OMNI and meet our Requirements, either: - Join our TS - ts3.odemmortis.com - Or Contact:-

Clan OMNI is in 3 clans in World of Tanks history most recognised and prestigous clans : FAME, PTS, OMNI

OMNI is by Invite ONLY!

Omega_Bot recruiter

Cauti0n - (Commander of OMNI clan)

Recruitment Requirements:

+57% winratio +2700 wn8 +3000 dmg on X +10000 games + activity + Teamspeak when in game

Teamspeak is obligatory ! When in game, always on teamspeak, if not you can be kicked for unprofessional behoviour !

Diplomacy: Cauti0n

Streamers : https://www.twitch.tv/grazka

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
59.24% 1852 2943 1653 9377 824 127(59.37%) 1 073 653(59.01%)