[FXNES] - not NXVUS! Ferret throws all our games!

О клане

Requirements: ▪ At least 3k DPG in tier 10 tanks ▪ At least two of 260, 60TP, CS, 907, IS-7

For Recruitment contact: ✎Niklas_InReal ✎DepressedHuman ✎Ferret_NA

For Diplomacy contact: ✎Niklas_InReal

NXVUS leadership is not responsible for the behavior and any other actions of individual players. If you experience any problems with a NXVUS player, please contact Wargaming Support!

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
56.42% 1580 2398 1393 6765 321 207(56.37%) 325 950(57.29%)