О клане

Welcome to the House of Dragons the "K4OS" clan is a free community for players who like to play in platoon in tiers from 3 to 10.

We are level 10 Fortress so we have credit bonus running all time.

Clan Team Speak address server
ame is: arnor.typefrag.com (no password)

Welcome to the House of Dragons !!!!

Welcome to the Kaos community !!!!!

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
58.75% 1488 2116 1304 4482 417 590(53.5%) 157 882(52.32%)