О клане


If you don’t meet some requirements we’ll look at each case individually.

-2300+ recent WN8 (We will see if your seal clubbing so make sure your tier 10 stats are good)

-3 CW viable Tier 10 tanks 2500+ DPG, at least Reward tanks: 260 / 907 / 279e / T95/FV4201 Chieftain CW viable: STB / 140 / EBR / 277 / 260 / 907 / 279e / T95FV4201 Chieftain

- Teamspeak 3 (ts.britishcenturions.co.uk) You can always come on and ask one of our officers if you’re looking to join.

- Take part in clan battles 3 times a week

Respect our clan members and the other clan members in the BC community

To join message acm166 and OVERPOWEERED or send in an application.

For diplo message acm166,combat officers

Средние показатели клана

Средний Процент побед Средний WN7 Средний WN8 Средний РЭ Средний Броне-сайт 8 Уровень 10 Уровень
54.1% 1375 1845 1261 5276 189 961(53.99%) 101 282(52.55%)